About Us
At Anderson Solar Controls, we believe we can build a better future by creating and conserving energy.
The owner, Brian Anderson, has been in the solar industry since 1990. He 1st received his BS in Industrial Technology from SJSU, then completed a Grad Certification from Sonoma State University in Energy Design and Management. He has attended countless industry trainings, seminars and conferences, over his 34+ year tenure.
Anderson Solar Controls carefully assesses each residential or business site, assuring your solar system will generate the highest return and efficient use of energy.
As of late, we have focused more on the service sector, so let us know if your system needs work, if an inverter has failed, or if your batteries are dead.
We have developed excellent relations with our suppliers, which enables us to provide a vast variety of equipment options.
Work with Us!
We are empowering others to go solar by assisting them to install the system themselves; hence saving on the labor costs. The past successes here have been completed by DIY's, and general contractors. We provide the design, permit, solar equipment, and a few hours to train. AND, with our Tesla Powerwall and Enphase Battery certifications, we can access their commissioning requirements for a self-installed system.